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Tues, Weds, Fri, Sat, Sun:
10:30 - 14:00
15:00 - 18:30
Mon + Thurs: Closed
Vet bills
Any donations towards vet bills would be very much appreciated.
You can either donate in cash when you visit, or via our PayPal by clicking the button below:

Our cats are on specific diets. However, do feel free to email us to ask what brands they can have and we will happily let you know.
We also have a selection of food on our Amazon Wishlist:
Please donate any unwanted food to the cat shelters who really need it.

Toys and bedding
We cannot accept donations of second hand toys, beds, etc for health and safety reasons.
If you would like to purrchase gifts for the cats, we have a range of items on our Amazon Wishlist:

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